みなさん、こんにちは。TOEFL iBT®テストWeb準備講座を担当するETS公認トレーナーの横川綾子(よこがわあやこ)です。2014年8月の第2回記事から初代モデル学習者として参加してくれたアイコさんとのウェブ公開授業は、今回が最後となります。アイコさんは自らの努力でアメリカへの交換留学を勝ち取った、いわばみなさんのロールモデル(role model: a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people)ですね。アイコさんのさらなる飛躍を私もPC画面の向こうから応援しています!

高校2年(3年前)に英検準1級を取得。長期留学等の経験はなく、第二言語としての英語と格闘中。Reading、Listeningに比べてWriting、Speakingが苦手。初めて受けた2014年5月のTOEFL iBT®テストの結果は77点(R:27、L:19、S:15 、W:16)。
TOEFL iBT®テストを受験する理由
Topic 3
Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to so much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Although some people think too much information is on the Internet, I think this is more of an advantage than a disadvantage. There are two main reasons I believe this: convenience and equality. This essay will discuss in more detail below why the Internet is useful and helpful to realize a more equal world.
First of all, the Internet can make life easier and more convenient. For example, you can ask a question online. If you put up a question on a chat board, someone will tell you the answer soon. Moreover, you can ask questions online and use your account name, you do not have to give your real name. For instance, you can ask private questions like what college you should go to or how to best lose your weight without letting others know who you are. Thus, the Internet allows people to express their true feelings, by making it possible to ask questions and receive answers in a convenient, confidential way. In addition, a lot of reviews on the websites allow you to buy a product after checking how other customers find it. Therefore, you can get the correct information much more quickly today than when you had only a phone or a radio.
Second, thanks to the Internet, people are becoming more equal. The gap between the educational opportunities available to the rich and the poor is becoming smaller. The Internet makes educational costs cheaper. Many online courses are being offered by famous universities at reasonable prices and everyone can listen to the lecturers and even get a further support if they need it. There are also a lot of free materials available to help you study on the Internet. Unlike in earlier times, if you do not have enough money to study abroad or cannot leave your hometown, it is now possible for you to take a course online from a university. You can get an education using the Internet without actually being at the school. Actually, one of my friends has been taking the free-online lessons from an American university to learn English and access to the latest biological research. There is a chance to get a job in an international company if you are able to get good marks on your online courses. Global companies pay attention to the rankings of successful students because they want to hire gifted employees. As you can see, the Internet is opening up and equalizing the chance to get a higher education which many could never dream of having before.
For the reasons of convenience and equality, I think the Internet will have a positive influence on our lives. Life is certainly much more convenient since the arrival of the Internet as we can ask questions, get answers and express our true feeling in a confidential way. At the same time, the Internet is helping to make the world a more equal place as many now have the chance to get a higher education they could not get before.
(501 words)
Although some people think too much information is on the Internet, I think this is more of an advantage than a disadvantage. There are two main reasons I believe this: convenience and equality. This essay will discuss in more detail below why the Internet is useful and helpful [how it is helping] to realize [create] a more equal world.
First of all, the Internet can make life easier and more convenient. For example, [if] you can ask [put] a question online. If you put up a question on a chat board, someone will tell you the answer soon. Moreover, [when] you can ask questions online [, you can] and use your account name, [and] you do not have to give [keep] your real name [private]. For instance, you can [It is possible to] ask private [personal] questions like what college you should go to or how to best lose your weight, without letting others know who you are. [In addition, reviews on websites allow you to buy a product after checking how other customers find it.] Thus, the Internet allows people to express their true feelings, by making it possible to ask questions and receive answers in a convenient, confidential [way, as well as to] way. In addition, a lot of reviews on the websites allow you to buy a product after checking how other customers find it. Therefore, you can get the correct [useful] information much more quickly today than when you had only a phone or a radio [were available].
Second, thanks to the Internet, people are becoming more equal [because educational costs are cheaper]. The gap between the educational opportunities available to the rich and the poor is becoming smaller [in this way]. The [poor have access to] Internet makes educational costs cheaper. Many online courses are being offered [at reasonable prices]. [Even] by famous universities [have courses] at reasonable prices and everyone can listen to the lecturers and even get [offer] further support if they need it. [it is needed]. There are also a lot of free [Free study] materials [are also] available to help you study on the Internet. Unlike in earlier times, if you do not have enough money to study abroad or cannot leave your hometown, it is now possible for you to take a course online from a university. Y[y]ou can get an education using the Internet without actually being at the school [from your home]. Actually, one of my friends has been taking the free-online [English] lessons from an American university to learn English and [uses the Internet to] access to the latest biological research. There is [also] a chance to get a job [as] in an international company if you are able to get good marks on your online courses. Global companies pay attention to the rankings of successful students because they want to hire gifted employees. As you can see, the Internet is opening up [access to education, information and opportunity] and equalizing the chance to get a higher education which many could never dream of having before.
For the reasons of convenience and equality, I think the Internet will have a positive influence on our lives. [To summarize,] L[l]ife is certainly much more convenient since the arrival of the Internet as we can ask questions, get answers and express our true feeling in a confidential way. At the same time, the Internet is helping to make the world a more equal place[, not only for] as many now have the chance to get a higher education[, but in the equal access to information and opportunity which] they could [was] not [possible before its appearance] get before.
英文校正協力:Paul Strifler
制限時間なしのリライト版は501ワードの大作。アイコさんの本領発揮ですね。前回のエッセイ(第6回 30分で「出し切る」には)の内容に関して私がしたアドバイスは、以下の3つです。それが今回のリライト版にどのように活かされているか、みなさんも一緒に読み比べてください。
「質問できること」は、インターネットの利便性の1つではFor exampleを挟んで、展開してはどうでしょうか。そうすれば、利便性の他の具体例に言及することもできます。
➡ 最初の文で、「質問できること」が利便性の一例として示されています。そこから質問の具体例(=進学相談、ダイエットのお悩み)へと展開し、匿名で質問できることの利点がさらに伝わりやすくなりました。また、その他の利便性として「製品の購入前にレビューを閲覧できること」も追加されています。
➡ 「オンラインの無料講座で英語を学ぶ知人」というストーリーの力で、インターネットにより、教育を受ける機会や国際的な企業での就業の可能性が増大するインパクトが、より力強く読み手に伝わるようになりました。
➡ 新しいパラグラフは追加されませんでした。もし私がリライトするなら、2つ目の理由を論じる第3パラグラフをリライト版の3分の2ほどで切り上げ、新しいパラグラフを始めたと思います。第4パラグラフでは、disadvantageとその対処法を以下のように展開することができます。
ライティングの練習を積み、文法的には破たんのない文を書けるようになると、限られた時間でまとまった長さのエッセイを書く負荷は減るでしょう。そこからさらに上を目指すには、エッセイライティグの基本に忠実に(「第1回 エッセイライティングのポイント」参照)、かつ「読み手に何を伝えたいか」「それはどうしたらわかりやすく伝わるか」「自分の主張に十分な説得力があるか」を吟味し、工夫し続けることが大切です。一つひとつの文の役割が明確で、説明に過不足はなく、それぞれの文が書き手の主張に向かって収束しているのが、理想的なエッセイの特徴です。以下にまとめたポイントを、エッセイを書き始める前のブレーンストーミングや、すでに書き上げたエッセイをリライトする際に思い出してください。
- 主張の理由づけは「抽象から具体」へ。抽象論だけでなく、具体例を上手く使う
- If (=仮定の話)ばかりでなく、真実味のあるストーリーに語らせる
- 自分の主張とは逆の立場からも論じ、その対処法を提示することで説得力を補強する

明治大学 国際連携機構 特任教授
ETS Authorized Propell® Facilitator
ETS TOEFL ITP® Teacher Development Workshop Facilitator
初めてTOEFL iBT®テストを受験される方のうち、次の対象者には週1回✖️8週間 の受験支援メール配信とTOEFL iBT® Test Prep Plannerの無料配送を行っています。
ETS Japanは、8週間サポートを通じて、学習計画の立て方や、勉強に必要な情報の探し方をお手伝いします。目標スコア獲得に向けて受験日まで一緒に進んでいきましょう!

Performance Descriptors for the TOEFL iBT® test
各セクションは0~30のスコアで評価され、そのスコアに応じて4または5段階のレベルに分けられます。このレベルはTOEFL iBT®テストにおけるCEFR levelを反映しています。

TOEFL iBT®テスト スコアガイド(Speaking)
Speakingセクションの採点基準です。上記の「Performance Descriptors for the TOEFL iBT®test」と併せてご活用ください。
SpeakingはETSが公表しているスコア基準表に沿って採点されます。採点基準はIndependent Task用・Integrated Task用にそれぞれ作成されており、Delivery(話し方)/Language Use(語彙の使い方)/Topic Development(トピックの展開)の大きく3つのポイントに分かれています。

TOEFL iBT®テスト スコアガイド(Writing)
Writingセクションの採点基準です。上記の「Performance Descriptors for the TOEFL iBT® test」と併せてご活用ください。
Writingに関してもETSが公表しているスコア基準表に沿って採点されます。採点基準はIndependent Task用・Integrated Task用にそれぞれ作成されています。


自宅受験TOEFL® Essentials™テスト

TOEFL ITP®テストプログラムは、学校・企業等でご実施いただける団体向けTOEFL®テストプログラムです。団体の都合に合わせて試験日、会場の設定を行うことができます。全国500以上の団体、約22万人以上の方々にご利用いただいています。