みなさん、こんにちは。TOEFL iBT®テストWeb準備講座を担当するETS公認トレーナーの横川綾子(よこがわあやこ)です。モデル学習者のイズミさんから、4月のTOEFL iBTテストでライティングセクションのスコアが3点も上がったとのご報告をいただきました。当初のお悩みは「短時間でスコアを上げたい。エッセイのポイントや幼稚にならない書き方が知りたい」ということでしたが、イズミさんはその目標を達成しつつあるようですね。I’m so proud of you, Izumi.

中学3年生の時に英検2級を取得。進研模試やセンター試験の英語の偏差値は75以上、リスニングは80以上。アメリカの高校に2014年9月から通っている。初めて受けた2015年1月のTOEFL iBT®テストの結果は71点(R:15、L:16、S:22、W:18)。
TOEFL iBT®テストを受験する理由
TOEFL iBT®テストの学習で困っている点や悩んでいる点
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
I agree the statement that children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. I believe this statement is true, because I have experienced learning a new language that I couldn’t speak before and I could master it when I was young. I live in Hong Kong for ten years. When I was ten years old, I moved back to Japan. I couldn’t speak Japanese at all. After two years, I could pass the private junior high school entrance exam. I could master most of the Japanese language in two years. My parents were surprised at this. I can say, children have magical powers to learn language. Thanks to the magical powers, children can learn foreign languages more easily than adults. I have three reasons to support my opinion. First, children can enjoy learning languages. Second, children are not afraid of making mistakes. Third, children generally have more time than adults do.
First, children are full of curiosity. They are interested in anything, especially new things. And they can enjoy learning foreign languages. When high school students or adults learn a foreign language, they become stressed because of textbooks and exams. On the other hand, children learn languages by singing songs and playing games. I think to enjoy learning is the key, because it’s led to continue to learn more and master it. Moreover, children love to tell someone what they’ve learned. I think this is the biggest magical power of children. I’ve heard that the point of learning is the combination of input and output. Children do the output spontaneously by telling someone what they’ve learned.
Second, children are not afraid of making mistakes. I think the best way to learn language is to speak the language aloud. Children are not ashamed of themselves when they make mistakes. They can say or think about anything they want to and they can learn from their mistakes. In addition, children don’t care about grammar when they express their feelings. When adults learn languages, they think about grammar too much. I personally think grammar is not the most important part of learning languages. If someone can understand what you are talking, it is good enough.
Third, children generally have more time than adults do. Children can learn a foreign language while they are playing games as I mentioned in second paragraph. Adults are too busy to do that. They try to learn many things in a short time. However, learning a foreign language doesn’t work like that.
In conclusion, when children start the school is the best time to learn a foreign language. They have more time than adults do. They can enjoy learning a foreign language by singing songs and playing games. They can learn more from their mistakes, because they’re not ashamed of making mistakes and they don’t care about grammar as adults do. These three reasons make children more easily to learn a foreign language than adults. It’s a good idea for children to learn foreign languages as soon as they start school.
(508 words)
ひと言でいうと、イズミさんのエッセイは飛躍的に説得力を増しました。リライト前のエッセイに対して「思春期や大人になってからでなく、就学と同時に外国語習得を始めることの良し悪しを深掘りする必要がある」とアドバイスしましたが、Body(本論)に相当する第2・3・4パラグラフのTopic sentence(主題文)はすべてchildrenが主語になっており、論旨とトピックの対応を印象づけています。香港で生まれ育ち、中国語と日本語(さらに英語も!)を習得したイズミさんにしか書けないエッセイになっています。
今回は校正協力者であるPaul Strifler氏から多くのコメントが入りましたので、その一部を紹介します。ネイティブスピーカーはこのエッセイをどのように読むのか、みなさんも参考にしてください。いつものように添削例は最後に掲載します。
This first paragraph is perfect. It’s important to tell your story about Hong Kong and show the reader you are an “expert” on the topic and your paper is worth reading as a result. Pointing out it is a “magical” ability is wonderful! It’s very colorful and apt. It is “magical” to be able to learn like children! I’ve put “magical” into quotation marks because it is sort of a vague term and no one really has magical powers, do they?
This paragraph is a little short (light), but even so, it’s okay. You hedged* well saying “generally” children have more time than adults, meaning sometimes this isn’t true… You could have said something like, “Time passes differently for children. For example, 15 minutes of play can be one hour for an adult.” Most people would agree that children have more time, so this shorter paragraph is acceptable.
hedge (v): To avoid making a clear, direct response or statement
Great conclusion! Well done! You told us what you would talk about in the introductory paragraph, gave us details in the body, and repeated them in the conclusion. This ‘repeating’ of the message is important to remind people of what you said and to have them accept it. Repeating is a sort of “brain-washing” technique as well. You did a great job with this paper, Izumi!
I agree [with] the statement that children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. I believe this statement is true, because I have experienced learning a new language that I couldn’t speak before and I could master it when I was young. I live[d] in Hong Kong for ten years. When I was ten years old, I moved back to Japan. I couldn’t speak Japanese at all. After two years, I could pass the private junior high school entrance exam. I could master most of the Japanese language in two years. My parents were surprised at this. I can say, children have [“]magical[”] powers to learn language[s]. Thanks to the[these] magical powers, children can learn foreign languages more easily than adults. I have three reasons to support my opinion. First, children can enjoy learning languages. Second, children are not afraid of making mistakes. Third, children generally have more time than adults do.
First, children are full of curiosity. They are interested in anything, especially new things. And they can enjoy learning foreign languages. When high school students or adults learn a foreign language, they become stressed because of textbooks and exams. On the other hand, children learn languages by singing songs and playing games. I think to [“]enjoy learning[”] is the key, because it’s led [it leads them] to continue to learn more and master it. Moreover, children love to tell someone what they’ve learned. I think this is the biggest magical power of children. I’ve heard that the point of learning is the combination of input and output. Children do the output spontaneously by telling someone what they’ve learned.
Second, children are not afraid of making mistakes. I think the best way to learn [a] language is to speak the language aloud. Children are not ashamed of themselves when they make mistakes. They can say or think about anything they want to and they can learn from their mistakes. In addition, children don’t care about grammar when they express their feelings. When adults learn languages, they think about grammar too much. I personally think grammar is not the most important part of learning languages. If someone can understand what you are talking [saying], it is good enough.
Third, children generally have more time than adults do. Children can learn a foreign language while they are playing games[,] as [which] I mentioned in [the] second paragraph. Adults are too busy to do that. They try to learn many things in a short time. However, learning a foreign language doesn’t work like that.
In conclusion, when children start the school is the best time to learn a foreign language [is when children start school]. They have more time than adults do. They can enjoy learning a foreign language by singing songs and playing games. They can [also] learn more from their mistakes, because they’re not ashamed of making mistakes [them] and they don’t care about grammar as adults do. [In addition, they have more time than adults do.] These three reasons make [it easier for] children more easily to learn a foreign language than adults. It’s a good idea for children to learn foreign languages as soon as they start school.
英文校正協力:Paul Strifler
いかがでしたか。 今回のように、まず本番と同じ条件でエッセイを書き、次にブレーンストーミングを経てリライトする練習は、ライティングのスキルアップにとても効果的です。リライトしたエッセイを添削してもらうのが理想的ですが、類語辞典を参照して使える語彙の幅を広げたり、インターネットに掲載されているお手本としたいエッセイ(TOEFL sample essayといったキーワードでGoogle検索するとたくさんヒットします)をタイピング入力して丸ごと覚えたり(私は「タイピング筆写」と呼んでいます)、友人にエッセイの感想を言ってもらったりトピックに対する意見を聞いたりすることでも、スキルを高めることはできます。書けば書くほど上手くなるのがエッセイライティング。コツコツと、でも楽しみながら練習を継続しましょう。

明治大学 国際連携機構 特任教授
ETS Authorized Propell® Facilitator
ETS TOEFL ITP® Teacher Development Workshop Facilitator
初めてTOEFL iBT®テストを受験される方のうち、次の対象者には週1回✖️8週間 の受験支援メール配信とTOEFL iBT® Test Prep Plannerの無料配送を行っています。
ETS Japanは、8週間サポートを通じて、学習計画の立て方や、勉強に必要な情報の探し方をお手伝いします。目標スコア獲得に向けて受験日まで一緒に進んでいきましょう!

Performance Descriptors for the TOEFL iBT® test
各セクションは0~30のスコアで評価され、そのスコアに応じて4または5段階のレベルに分けられます。このレベルはTOEFL iBT®テストにおけるCEFR levelを反映しています。

TOEFL iBT®テスト スコアガイド(Speaking)
Speakingセクションの採点基準です。上記の「Performance Descriptors for the TOEFL iBT®test」と併せてご活用ください。
SpeakingはETSが公表しているスコア基準表に沿って採点されます。採点基準はIndependent Task用・Integrated Task用にそれぞれ作成されており、Delivery(話し方)/Language Use(語彙の使い方)/Topic Development(トピックの展開)の大きく3つのポイントに分かれています。

TOEFL iBT®テスト スコアガイド(Writing)
Writingセクションの採点基準です。上記の「Performance Descriptors for the TOEFL iBT® test」と併せてご活用ください。
Writingに関してもETSが公表しているスコア基準表に沿って採点されます。採点基準はIndependent Task用・Integrated Task用にそれぞれ作成されています。


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