みなさん、こんにちは。TOEFL iBT®テスト Web準備講座を担当するETS公認トレーナーの横川綾子(よこがわあやこ)です。みなさんはどんなゴールデンウィークを過ごしましたか?私は少し贅沢をして、東京・お台場のホテルに宿泊しました。近年アジア諸国の発展は著しいですが、今から20年も前に東京臨海副都心という大規模開発をやってのけた日本は捨てたものじゃないなぁと改めて思いました。

中学3年生の時に英検2級を取得。進研模試やセンター試験の英語の偏差値は75以上、リスニングは80以上。アメリカの高校に2014年9月から通っている。初めて受けた2015年1月のTOEFL iBT®テストの結果は71点(R:15、L:16、S:22、W:18)。
TOEFL iBT®テストを受験する理由
TOEFL iBT®テストの学習で困っている点や悩んでいる点
今回イズミさんには、初代モデル学習者のアイコさん同様、辞書やスペルチェッカーなしで30分以内にエッセイを仕上げる本番仕様の課題に挑戦してもらいました。みなさんもぜひTimed Writing(制限時間を設けたライティング練習)をやってみてください。時間は限られている、辞書やGoogle検索は使えない、スペルチェック機能も使えない、という本試験と同じ状況でどの程度エッセイが書けるようになったか、時々実力チェックを行い、その後のトレーニングに役立ててください。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
I agree with the statement that children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. There are more advantages than disadvantages. For example, you can make friends from foreign countries if you learn foreign language. Or you can understand the movie without subtitle. In this essay, I have two points of view to support my opinion with objectivity. First one is from the fact that we live in a global society. Second one is the fact children are easier to learn languages than adults.
First, we are living in a global society and we are related with many different countries. Taking a foreign language class probably is a required subject in most of schools. Even in English spoken country, schools required students to learn foreign language. The society has been more globe than before. And the company need people who have global views. In fact, Japanese companies which want to do business with overseas start hiring people who can speak more than one languages. I can say the ability of languages effects getting jobs. Especially it’s competitive society, ability of speaking foreign languages definitely is an advantage.
Second, children can learn foreign language easier and faster than adults. There are several reasons. One is children have more time than adults. Second is children are not afraid of making mistakes. I think the best way of learning languages is speaking the language aloud. Children are not ashamed of themselves when they are making mistakes. They can speak anything they want or they think about. And they can learn form the mistakes. Third is children don’t care about grammar when they express their feelings. When adults learn foreign languages, they think about grammar so much. But I personally think grammar is not the most important part of learning languages. If someone can understand what you are talking about, it is good enough. Here is my experience. I was lived in Hong Kong for ten years. When I was ten years old, I moved to Japan. I could’t speak any Japanese. After two years, I could pass the private high school entrance exam. I could master most of the Japanese in two years. My parents was surprised at this. I can say children have a magical power to learn languages.
In conclusion, speaking foreign language in competitive global society is an advantage for getting jobs. It shows that how important to learn foreign languages. And children are much easier to learn languages than adults. So it tells us children should learning foreign languages as soon as they start schools.
(430 words)
30分で430ワードのエッセイを書き上げたことからもわかるように、イズミさんのWriting fluencyの高さは見事です。タイプミスが散見されますが、意味の理解を妨げるほどではないので、許容範囲と言えるでしょう。今回は、内容面に関して少し突っ込んだフィードバックをします。パラグラフの添削例は記事の最後に示しますので、みなさんも参考にしてください。
また第3パラグラフでは、子どもは大人より外国語習得に有利であることが具体例とともに説明され、イズミさんの実体験も盛り込まれており、論理展開としてはとても明快です。惜しいのは、「子どもの方が外国語取得に有利」という定説と、「就学と同時に外国語習得を開始すべき」という主張のつながりがやや見えにくいことです。パラグラフの最後にConcluding sentence(まとめの文)として「子どもに外国語を習得させるには、就学時という絶好の機会を逃す手はない」といった1文が入るだけでも、メインアイディアとのつながりを示すことができます。
そして欲を言うと、イズミさんのエッセイは4パラグラフ構成であることから、就学時より後になって外国語を習得し始めるdisadvantageを論じるパラグラフをもう一つ足して、5パラグラフエッセイとしても良かったと思います。主に言語面の校正を担当しているPaul Strifler氏はこうコメントしています。“I know this essay is brief, but logically speaking, it would be good to write another paragraph about the ‘disadvantages’ of learning a language later in life. The reader expects to hear about the disadvantages of learning a language later in life because you mentioned this word in your introduction. If you don’t mention the word, ‘disadvantage’, then the reader won’t expect you to write about it in your paper. However, since you did, the reader is expecting the paper to be a comparison paper where you compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of learning English as a child.” たしかに第1パラグラフに“There are more advantages than disadvantages.”とあるので、欠点も合わせて論じられることを読者は期待するかもしれません。disadvantageに触れる時間がないと思ったらこの1文を削除するか、There are several reasons for this. といった文に差し替えると無難でしょう。
I agree with the statement that children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. There are more advantages than disadvantages. For example, you can make friends from foreign countries if you learn foreign language. Or you can understand the movie without subtitle. In this essay, I have two points of view to which support my opinion with objectivity. First[,] one is from the fact that we live in a global society. [and S[s]econd[,] one is the fact children are easier to [can] learn languages [more easily] than adults.
First, we are liv[e]ing in a global society and we are [in] related[ion] with many different countries. Taking a foreign language class [is] probably is a required subject in most of schools. Even in [countries where] English [is] spoken country, schools require[d] students to learn [a] foreign language. The s[S]ociety has been [become] more globe[al] than before. A[a]nd the company[ies] need people who have [a] global view[point]. In fact, Japanese companies which want to do business with overseas [are] start[ing to] hiring[e] people who can speak more than one languages. I can say the ability of languages [Having language ability] [has an] effects [on] getting jobs. Especially it’s [in a] competitive society, ability of [being able to] speaking foreign languages [is] definitely is an advantage.
Second, children can learn foreign language[s] [more] easier [easily] and faster than adults. There are several [three] reasons [for this]. One [reason] is children [generally] have more time than adults. [The] S[s]econd [reason] is children are not afraid of making mistakes. I think the best way of [to] learning languages is [to] speaking the language aloud. Children are not ashamed of themselves when they are making[e] mistakes. They can speak [say] anything they want or they think about. [anything they want to] A[a]nd they can learn form [from] the [their] mistakes. [The] T[t]hird [reason] is children don’t care about grammar when they express their feelings. When adults learn foreign languages, they think about grammar so [too] much. But I personally think grammar is not the most important part of learning languages. If someone can understand what you are talking about, it is good enough. Here is my experience. I was lived in Hong Kong for ten years. When I was ten years old, I moved to Japan. I could[n]’t speak any Japanese. After two years, I could pass the private high school entrance exam. I could master most of the Japanese [language] in two years. My parents was [were] surprised at this. I can say[,] children have a magical power to learn languages.
In conclusion, speaking [a] foreign language in [the] competitive global society [today,] is an advantage for getting jobs. [Students can learn a foreign language in their schools which will help them to take part in the global society.] It [Being able to get a job in this global society] shows that how important [it is] to learn foreign languages. And [It’s also] children are much easier [for children] to learn languages than adults [because they aren’t ashamed and don’t worry so much about grammar]. So it tells [For these two reasons,] us [it is a good idea for] children should [to] learning foreign languages as soon as they start schools.
英文校正協力:Paul Strifler
いかがでしたか。時間制限を設けたエッセイライティングでは、語数を稼ぐことに気を取られてしまい、トピックに対する考察や論理展開が甘くなりがちです。書く前のブレーンストーミングでエッセイの枠組み(メインアイディア・理由・具体例)を固め、書き始めたらその枠に沿って一気に書き上げましょう。時間があってもできないことは早くできるはずはありませんから、まずは60分、次に45分、最終的に30分と制限時間を段階的に短くして練習しても良いですね。時間管理が難しいTimed Writingですが、練習を重ねると短い時間でもある程度まとまった内容を書けるようになりますよ。では次回にお会いしましょう。

明治大学 国際連携機構 特任教授
ETS Authorized Propell® Facilitator
ETS TOEFL ITP® Teacher Development Workshop Facilitator
初めてTOEFL iBT®テストを受験される方のうち、次の対象者には週1回✖️8週間 の受験支援メール配信とTOEFL iBT® Test Prep Plannerの無料配送を行っています。
ETS Japanは、8週間サポートを通じて、学習計画の立て方や、勉強に必要な情報の探し方をお手伝いします。目標スコア獲得に向けて受験日まで一緒に進んでいきましょう!

Performance Descriptors for the TOEFL iBT® test
各セクションは0~30のスコアで評価され、そのスコアに応じて4または5段階のレベルに分けられます。このレベルはTOEFL iBT®テストにおけるCEFR levelを反映しています。

TOEFL iBT®テスト スコアガイド(Speaking)
Speakingセクションの採点基準です。上記の「Performance Descriptors for the TOEFL iBT®test」と併せてご活用ください。
SpeakingはETSが公表しているスコア基準表に沿って採点されます。採点基準はIndependent Task用・Integrated Task用にそれぞれ作成されており、Delivery(話し方)/Language Use(語彙の使い方)/Topic Development(トピックの展開)の大きく3つのポイントに分かれています。

TOEFL iBT®テスト スコアガイド(Writing)
Writingセクションの採点基準です。上記の「Performance Descriptors for the TOEFL iBT® test」と併せてご活用ください。
Writingに関してもETSが公表しているスコア基準表に沿って採点されます。採点基準はIndependent Task用・Integrated Task用にそれぞれ作成されています。


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